Meet the Adventurer!

Welcome Mom, Dad, family, friends, and maybe fellow travel enthusiasts who unexpectedly popped onto this blog!

My name is Laura and I am a 25 year old young professional who enjoys traveling (well I guess that's a given), reading, spending time with loved ones, snowboarding, the beach, and plenty of things in between.  A two year rotation program gave me a lot more opportunity than I could have expected.  As a professional, this program gave me a wide range of experience in my business career.  But what I didn't expect was to learn so much about myself through the opportunity to travel and live in different places.  It was not easy being hundreds or thousands of miles away from home, but what I've learned is the importance to soak up life around you by being conscious and curious to your surroundings and to step outside of your comfort zone to try new things.

I've lived away from home a few times and each time I kept a journal for myself.  I HIGHLY recommend this to anyone going on journey's whether its a week or a couple years.  Writing down what you've done, your observations, and your feelings is such a wonderful gift to your future self.  It's an amazing depiction of how you grew through your experience plus sometimes we forget some of the simple things that we experienced and it helps to have a friendly reminder.

When I was given my job placement to go to Singapore I had a few friends and family suggest I keep a blog.  It was a tough choice for me but I decided to ditch my usual journal and go for the blog route for this experience.  Writing has never been my forte and I have always said I communicate better with numbers.  However, I've taken the plunge in putting my writing and my thoughts out there for you all to see and I hope that it gives you a glimpse into what my life is like.

Thanks for taking time out of your day to read one of my silly posts and I hope this blog inspires others to write down their experiences and to try something new!



Since I finished up my work placement in Singapore and adventuring around Southeast Asia, it donned on me that an adventure is not defined by how far from home you are.  There are endless opportunities for adventure right around the corner and I decided that even though I might not be jet setting every other weekend or trying crazy food, my life is filled with plenty of adventures and I want to continue sharing that with you!
So take a peak into my "everyday" adventures and my new hope is to inspire others to view adventure in a new way. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Laura! I stumbled upon your blog and share your passion for traveling! How did you get your travel destinations section set up like that? I'm new to the site and would appreciate your advice with that!
